CS Head being installed on restored engine.
CT Head being tourqued to spec.
CU Close up of the way Honda wants the fasteners on the head Yes the open nut goues there The copper colored washer seals the oil passge under it.
DA Head fastened down
DB Right sode engine cover broken fins
DC Right side of head after re-assembly.
DD Trimming off old stator wire sheathing 1
DE A shot of the harness stripped of the old sheathing.
DF A shot of the sheathing on the harness being repalced.
DG Heat shrinking the new sheathing on.
DH Stator wires re-sheathed and ready for connector plu
DI Points being replaced with tiny wrenches.
DJ An overhead shot of the restored engine with carb
DL A 45 degree shot of the engine on the stand.
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